Is it safe? 

Absolutely! Your security is a big deal for us. Thanks to some encryption (tokenization) from Fidesmo, RUBEN is like a ninja when it comes to safety – way better than your regular credit card. You can only make a payment if you're practically touching, like within 2 cm. Also, RUBEN is verified by both Mastercard and Visa.  

What if my RUBEN gets lost? 

No worries, use the Fidesmo iPhone app or Android app to paus a payment card from your RUBEN. Some banks let you do the same with their apps and websites. 


Where can I use my RUBEN for payments? 

Anywhere and everywhere! Your RUBEN is like your global buddy, tagging along wherever they accept contactless credit cards.


Do I need to use a PIN when making payments?

Your bank sets the threshold for when you must input your PIN, whether using your physical card or RUBEN. Your PIN is necessary for bigger transactions as well as occasionally for smaller ones. The PIN for your RUBEN matches that of your physical card. Contactless payment limits differ between countries.


Is RUBEN waterproof? 

You bet! RUBEN is waterproof, so there's no need to strip it off, even in the pool.


What is FIDESMO? 

Fidesmo is our partner, making sure your card safely hops onto your wearable. Want to know more about Fidesmo? Check out their website for the full scoop.


Can I connect any payment card to my RUBEN?

Whether your payment card is compatible with your RUBEN depends on your card provider. If your provider enables Fidesmo Pay, your payment card will be eligible for connection. See a list of all compatible payment cards and banks Here 

However, there is always the possibility of using Curve to connect any card to your RUBEN. Read more about Curve Here


What is CURVE? 

Curve is a smart banking app where you can store one or more of your credit cards. It generates a new Curve card that charges one of the stored credit or debit cards when swiped. Connect the Curve card straight into your RUBEN, and voila – you can connect any Visa or Mastercard.


How many cards can I connect to my RUBEN? 

One card at a time for starters – so pick your most used one. 

However, the Curve App lets you connect a whole gang of credit cards. You then decide which card foots the bill when you make a payment with your RUBEN.

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